Christian Grigis on Fri, 5 Mar 1999 23:00:41 -0500 (EST)

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Re: Palm Pilot


	I don't have a Palm, but as I am getting interested in one, I did
a little search on the net and came out with the following interesting

uClinux, the Linux Microcontroller Project, apparently targetting the Palm:

XCopilot, a Palm emulator for X11:


	Hope this helps! 


On Thu, 4 Mar 1999, adam wrote:

> So,
> I took the plunge yesterday and ordered myself
> a Palm IIIx.  Im very excited about it coming,
> and of course, the first question that came to mind is,
> can I run linux on it?  If anyone has one, and has some cool
> linux apps to sync with it, or has any experience with the
> microkernel that runs on it, drop me a line.
> Late,
> Adam
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