Steve Roach on Mon, 8 Mar 1999 14:44:28 -0500 (EST)

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RE: Wu-ftpd configuration...

I haven't been able to find a Lotus Notes client for Linux yet, you would
think with IBM putting Linux on the machines they ship they would make a
client. If you find one can you let me know.

-----Original Message-----
From: J Chu []
Sent: Monday, March 08, 1999 2:24 PM
To: Linux user group
Subject: Wu-ftpd configuration...

Hello.  I'm one of the *newbies* that's coming into the Linux camp due
to all the hubhub that the media's making of it...  (My interest was
piqued when I saw a fairly large green banner at my local software store
staing "Civilization: Call to Power, coming to Linux First Quarter 99".
The only problem was that the store personnel had no idea what Linux
was... they thought it was some new console...).

Anyhow, I got my copy of RedHat up and running, got my X86 stuff set up,
got Apache set up, got the tcpwrapper setup, but found out that I had no
idea how to get the Wu-ftp daemon set up (with accounts and anonftp,
etc).  Anyone have some good resources?

Also, anyone know if Lotus Notes runs on Linux?  I set up an NT server
with Notes...  but it appears my skills there don't apply too well to
James Chu
Primary Animator for EVA-R

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