Len Pikulski on Wed, 10 Mar 1999 09:42:45 -0500 (EST)

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Re: Converting old Word Perfect Files

I had kind of a similar issue on an Apple converting documents from 
an old "green screen apple Model ?? to word for Macintosh.
The Macintosh couldn't even read the diskette.

We wound up finding a working old apple firing up the "old" machine,
saving the files as text only, finding a modem and software to work
on the old apple, then uploading the text files to a BBS then
downloading them to the Macintosh.

A really LONG winded way of doing it but it worked when others said
it couldn't be done.

> Anyone know where I can get a tool taht can convert a few WordPerfect 3.x 
> format files into something more modern?  WP8 for Linux only goes back
> as far as WP 4.2 files...and MS Word only goes back to WP 6.0 files.
> I've tried Star Office and it won't convert them eiher.
> If anyone has access to software that can do this, I'd be very grateful 
> if they could convert them to either rtf, msword, or a newer version of 
> word perfect.  
> Any help will be appriciated.
> kyle
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   " Paper is only paper.....experience is what it is all about! "
 Len Pikulski            lenp@nothinbut.net           (609) 222-1514

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