Steve Roach on Wed, 10 Mar 1999 16:05:27 -0500 (EST)

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>>I simply installed 8.1.x bind on one of the fileservers,
>>built the forward and reverse zone files and set it loose.
>>The performance has improved drastically, and I no longer
>>need to maintain /etc/hosts .

Did the same thing myself, but I run the h2n scripts.. so when I make a
change to my /etc/host file it will update my zone files for me..

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael []
Sent: Wednesday, March 10, 1999 3:16 PM
To: David L. Martin
Subject: Re: DNS

>>  My reply to David L. Martin's mail was:
> I just got dhcp setup on my local network.
> The reason I did this is because I frequently have transient computers
> coming through the house (ie. laptops, friends, etc).
> This works great, but I need a local network DNS.
> I want to be able to talk to machines on the local network without
> refering to them by ip#.
> What is the proper way to go about this.

I did just that last week for my home network.
The reasons being twofold:  1.  copying and maintaining
host tables became a chore with each new machine 2.  dns requests
were killing us time-wise, we needed a cache

> What may make this easier is that no machine except the main server has
> access to the internet and it doesn't have forwarding enabled.
> I would like the main machine to handle the DNS request, but I don't want
> confusion with "real" DNS requests.

As long as your server isn't already authoritative for any
'real' zones you shouldn't have too many problems.

I simply installed 8.1.x bind on one of the fileservers,
built the forward and reverse zone files and set it loose.
The performance has improved drastically, and i no longer
need to maintain /etc/hosts .    One difference with my
setup is that our internet connected machine *does* gateway
for the internal net with ipmasq ..

If you feel the need to run bind on your internet box,
you could turn off access to the external interface  or restrict
access to the internal zones  for good
measure if you're worried about any confusion..

hope this helps,


> --
> David L. Martin        <>
> R&D Software Engineer
> PGP: 16 C0 C0 AB 4E A2 2C 89  FF 8B 07 CF C0 72 3D 89
> The best prophet of the future is the past.


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  • References:
    • Re: DNS
      • From: Michael <>