tburba on Wed, 31 Mar 1999 10:05:23 -0500 (EST)

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Re: ftp, telnet services

What's the format for /etc/login.access? My systems don't seem to have that

plug@lists.nothinbut.net on 03/30/99 04:31:58 PM

To:   jstaloff@libertynet.org
cc:   PLUG@lists.nothinbut.net (bcc: Thomas A Burba/USVISION)
Subject:  Re: ftp, telnet services

In /etc/ftpusers it lists the users that cannot login, so just comment out
root to allow it to login. /etc/login.access controls what accounts are
allowed to login, just edit that appropriately to allow root to login
telnet (tho you should really be using ssh for that).

On Tue, 30 Mar 1999, Jason Staloff wrote:
> I can't log into my Linux box as root via telnet or ftp, though it works
> for a normal user. What should I edit to turn this on?
> (I know it's not generally a good idea, but I wanna do it anyhow.)
> --
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