Michael on Wed, 7 Apr 1999 11:33:48 -0400 (EDT)

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Re: RPM problem

>>  My reply to Wayne Eisenberg's mail was: 
> YANQ (yet another newbie question):
> I'm trying to install a package called gtksamba on my RedHat 4.2 box at
> work. It requires gtk+ to work. If I try to install either package (logged
> in as root, of course) with the following line:
> rpm -iv gtk+-1_0_6-1_i386.rpm (or gtksamba_blah_blah)
> I get the response "Data type 9 not supported". I tried the exact same thing
> on my RedHat 5.2 box at home and it installed perfectly, no dumb error
> messages, so I know it's not me :)
> What's wrong here? What does that message mean and how do I troubleshoot it?

The rpm you're using doesn't support unicode (or something like that);
You'll need to upgrade RPM ;  rpm-2.4.9-1 seems to work well on 4.2
boxen.  You probably have rpm rpm-2.3.XX-X right now.  
FYI, if those gtk rpms are glibc you just may be out of luck on a stock
libc5 system..  




'`'`--- Michael_Jastremski_mike@westphila.net_http://westphila.net/mike
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  • References:
    • RPM problem
      • From: Wayne Eisenberg <EISENBERGW@sintaks.com>