LeRoy D. Cressy on Thu, 6 May 1999 20:12:50 -0400 (EDT)

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Re: Kernel

Graham, John wrote:
> Cool I was starting to get lonely, now to the nitty gritty. I just upgraded
> my kernel from 2.0.36 to 2.2.7 and someone was telling me that I should have
> applied patches first.  Could someone tell me whether or not this is true.
> There were quite a few patches in between.

concerning an upgrade of the magnitude of going from 2.0.36 to 2.2.7
applying patches would be a tremendous waste of time.  It is best just
to download either the bz or the gz tarball and compile it from scratch.

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LeRoy D. Cressy     	 /\_/\		ldc@netaxs.com
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  • References:
    • Kernel
      • From: "Graham, John" <JGraham@asi-solutions.com>