Michael W. Ryan on Mon, 10 May 1999 10:37:25 -0400 (EDT)

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Re: Jaton video cards

On Mon, 10 May 1999, Graham, John wrote:

> Bombed this weekend at the computer show.  6 bucks to get in, and since I
> didn't have cash they  charged 4% to use a credit card.  Picked up a jaton
> card with a s3 chipset, and the thing won't work.  Tried it in win95 and
> it'll only work in 640x480.  Even tried to download the latest XFree86,
> which in my opinion is too complicated.  The version that came with RH5.2
> was short and sweet.  Has anyone used the jaton card, it looks like the one
> I have isn't going to be compatible.  I saw some on pricewatch.com with
> cirrus logic chip-sets, but is there more to the card than just the
> chip-set?

I know it ain't Linux, but we have a whole slew of systems here at work
that use Jaton v67 cards with a Trident chipset.  The thing won't
autodetect under NT4 (but will under NT5b2).  More importantly, they won't
function correctly with the standard generic Trident driver, even though
the driver provided by Jaton calls itself a generic Trident driver.  For
your functionality under Win95, I'd make sure you use the driver supplied
by Jaton.  For Linux, shoot Jaton.  Just from using their v67 cards, I'm
not overly enthralled with them.

Michael W. Ryan, MCP          | OTAKON 1999
mryan@netaxs.com              | Convention of Otaku Generation
http://www.netaxs.com/~mryan/ | http://www.otakon.com/

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