David L. Martin on Tue, 11 May 1999 18:39:58 -0400 (EDT)

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Re: RedHat Sound Problem

On Tue, 11 May 1999, Kurt Telep wrote:
> You may want to completely upgrade.  You're problem may be that the card driver
> is not compiled into the kernel, or isn't compiled in as a module.  Do a kernel
> recompile, double check that the card is set as a module and make sure you
> run   make modules and make modules_install   after compiling the boot image.

I had alot of problems with compiling the sound support as a module in
5.1, but it worked flawlessly once I changed that.


David L. Martin        <dlmarti@njcc.com>
R&D Software Engineer  http://pluto.njcc.com/~dlmarti
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