Christian Betz on Tue, 1 Jun 1999 15:51:51 -0400 (EDT)

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Re: Linking LAN to PPP

On Tue, 1 Jun 1999, Kurt Telep wrote:

> I'm going to be home from school for the summer, and I've heard that
> people have set up a Linux router to connect a LAN to their PPP dialup
> connection.  I've read the ppp HOWTO, along with the Network
> administrators guide.   I have no problem setting up the ethernet or the
> ppp connection,  My question is, how do I tell linux that I want it to
> get the requests from the internet?  Basically how do I set up the
> routing?

Me and my friends do this a lot, and its actually very simple. If you only
have one IP address (the static or dynamic one that your ISP gives you)
then the thing to look into is IP-Masquerading. It allows multiple
computers on a lan to share one ip address and therefore the connection
itself. And you probably will never find a howto more straightforward than
the IP-Masq HOWTO. Just follow the directions and its easy as pie,
especially if you already have your network setup.

I'm sure you will find it very easy to setup, especially with newer 2.2

-Xtian Betz

email: | AOL/AIM: shuxlos | ICQ UIN: 5727556
		place of residence: Doylestown, PA

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