Mark Soma on Tue, 1 Jun 1999 17:11:16 -0400 (EDT) |
The Linux upgrade process is identical regardless of the media; CD, NFS, FTP. Booting from the install floppy will allow you to select the upgrade media, including an ftp site. The upgrade process will determine what needs to be upgraded according to what you have currently installed on your machine. If you take all the defaults it will upgrade everything you have on your box. A note of caution: I have done on the order of 50 or so upgrades in the last few years on many boxes and I've found that in most cases (with Red Hat) that after an upgrade you must rebuild the kernel if you had built in some custom features. In particular it tends to drop the networking components in the kernel. Also, make sure you have sufficient free space on your / and /usr partions, I have had problems with running out of space before which ultimately leads to a re-install (not fun). Good luck! MAS -----Original Message----- From: Greg Weber [] Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 1999 4:39 PM To: Subject: Newbie question upgrading Redhat 5.2 I am new to Linux . Have Redhat 5.2 up and running (2.0.36). Silly me did not realize that 6.0 was coming out the following week. Received mail from Redhat indicating that I can upgrade to 6.0 for free from the FTP site. So... a couple of silly questions. 1. Is upgrading by downloading advisable? I found the Kernel upgrade documentaion and it seems pretty straightforward. 2. I assume that I upgrade the Kernel first and then either have to or choose to upgrade other components? 3. Any advice on upgrading RH Linux? 4. Maybe it is not worth upgrading although I'd like the latest before settling in. Comments? Thanks for your time. Greg -- To unsubscribe, send a message with the word 'unsubscribe' in the subject or body of your message to -- To unsubscribe, send a message with the word 'unsubscribe' in the subject or body of your message to