Greg Weber on Tue, 1 Jun 1999 16:51:08 -0400 (EDT)

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Newbie question upgrading Redhat 5.2

I am new to Linux .  Have  Redhat 5.2 up and running (2.0.36).  Silly me
did not realize that 6.0 was coming out the following week.  Received
mail from Redhat indicating that I can upgrade to 6.0 for free from the
FTP site.  So... a couple of silly questions.

1.  Is upgrading by downloading advisable?  I found the Kernel upgrade
documentaion and it seems pretty straightforward.

2.  I assume that I upgrade the Kernel first  and then either have to or
choose to upgrade other components?

3.  Any advice on upgrading RH Linux?

4.   Maybe it is not worth upgrading although I'd like the latest before
settling in.  Comments?

Thanks for your time.


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