Chuck Peters on Tue, 29 Jun 1999 20:42:04 -0400 (EDT)

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Re: [Plug] Re: At the risk of getting flamed to my dying day, I'm going

> On Tue, 29 Jun 1999, Alexander John Batyi wrote:
> > > Perhaps UNIX is like a kind, caring, cute girlfriend and NT is like a hot,
> > > sleazy stripper...
> No, UNIX is a Republican.  It divides users into classes, you are free
> to do what you want as long as you don't f*ck with the system--unless
> you are of a high enough class, and if you want to hose yourself you are
> free to do so, and UNIX won't stand in your way and also won't do
> anything to help you out once you've "accomplished" what you set out to
> do.
> Windows is a Democrat.  Bloated, loaded with grafted on programs that
> don't work, creeps up in price with each iteration by adding other
> "features" you don't want, is frequently crushed under its own weight,
> is always trying to tell you what to do and what not to do in order to
> protect you, but is so poorly constructed that it will screw you over
> worse than you could screw over yourself.  

No, all of us Linux people are communists as seen at

Who needs Microsoft FUD, when we can alienate everyone. 
I think it's time we talk about netiquette and set some guidelines
similar to  


Plug maillist  -