Vale_Kenny on Wed, 30 Jun 1999 07:32:53 -0400 (EDT)

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Re: [Plug] Re: At the risk of getting flamed to my dying day, I'm going

I refuse to get involved in this discussion again, especially since it has
turned political.
Is it just me, or has this thread gotten more discussion than any other I've
seen on here?

jason and jill <> on 06/29/99 06:56:50 PM
Please respond to

cc:    (bcc: Vale Kenny/Cntrct/VGI)
Subject:  Re: [Plug] Re: At the risk of getting flamed to my dying day, I'm

On Tue, 29 Jun 1999, Alexander John Batyi wrote:

> > Perhaps UNIX is like a kind, caring, cute girlfriend and NT is like a hot,
> > sleazy stripper...

No, UNIX is a Republican.  It divides users into classes, you are free
to do what you want as long as you don't f*ck with the system--unless
you are of a high enough class, and if you want to hose yourself you are
free to do so, and UNIX won't stand in your way and also won't do
anything to help you out once you've "accomplished" what you set out to

Windows is a Democrat.  Bloated, loaded with grafted on programs that
don't work, creeps up in price with each iteration by adding other
"features" you don't want, is frequently crushed under its own weight,
is always trying to tell you what to do and what not to do in order to
protect you, but is so poorly constructed that it will screw you over
worse than you could screw over yourself.


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