David Edwards on Thu, 8 Jul 1999 23:28:43 -0400 (EDT)

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Re: [Plug] Where to find a jumpered modem (fwd)

For what it's worth.
I went and bought an Atlas Peripherals 33.6 modem about 18mths ago from
Best Buy. dirt cheap and they also came out with a 56k version.  I don't
see them locally anymore - but - 
The  manual claimed to work with all os's - including Linux (yeh, the
manual mentioned Linux).  It was fully jumpered, even with a jumper  to set
for PNP or not. and used cirrus chipset and ATT drivers (I lost my driver
disk a long time ago)..
Now, the real kicker is this - I connect to worldnet via a 56k connection. 
Most of the time I get connected above 31k -- Sometimes - and I sure its
due to compression settings, I get a reported conection of 115200!!!! - and
believe me - my connection SINGS when this is reported.
If you see them on the shelf, they're well worth buying.  The last I saw,
the 56k boards were selling at $39 with 20 rebate (although Atlas never
were responsive about sending the rebates - I never got my $20 rebate on my
33.6). Ah well, still worth the money.
Dave E.

> From: Anneke K. Hackman <anneke@linux-cs.tccw.wku.edu>
> To: plug@lists.nothinbut.net
> Subject: [Plug] Where to find a jumpered modem (fwd)
> Date: Thursday, July 08, 1999 10:34 AM
> Josh,
> saw your thread on modems-- someone post this on another LUG i subscribe
> to, thought you might be interested.
> 		--Anneke
>  Anneke K. Hackman			            http://www.anneke.net
>  "Real Women Use Linux"			     	     anneke@linux.wku.edu
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Wed, 30 Jun 1999 01:50:49 -0500 (CDT)
> From: David McCauley <davidm@hera.wku.edu>
> Reply-To: wku-linux@linux-cs.tccw.wku.edu
> To: wku-linux@linux-cs.tccw.wku.edu
> Subject: [WKU-Linux] Where to find a jumpered modem
> I've been asked a couple times where to find a non-pnp/non-Win
> 56k modem...
> Searching the net for this, I've come across a vendor...
> <disclaimer>
> Note... I'm not an agent of this company, if they $*#&W# you over,
> then let eveyone know, but I can't do anything about it
> </disclaimer>
> CPU Solutions, 800-474-4278
> http://www.cpusolutions.com/pw.htm
> Rockwell Chipset Fax/Modem 56K v.90 [ISA] Hardware Jumperable! BULK
> Packaged, boxed w/cord & disk PnP or Non PnP, JUMPER CONFIGURABLE
> $ 42 + $8.99 shipping
> There's even a picture of it...
> http://www.cpusolutions.com/images/rockwell_card.jpg
> -dave
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