Andrew P. Ban on Wed, 14 Jul 1999 19:13:49 -0400 (EDT)

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This was the challenge e-mail RE: [Plug] Ya know, it's a shame..

To All,

I have not seen this posted yet so here is the challenge that Charles
was referring to.


> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of Charles Stack
> Sent: Sunday, July 11, 1999 14:00
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Plug] Ya know, it's a shame..
> >My observation has been that Corporate management listens
> to marketers
> >rather than their own technical people.  Any KNOWLEGEBLE technogeek
> >would choose ANY *nix flavor over windows even if he had to write
> >his/her own app to get the job done.  Windows is simply
> not acceptable
> >for "Mission Critical" apps unless; as said before; you
> really baby it.
> I wouldn't entirely agree with you.  Our company develops
> and sells the
> premier public safety records management software.  We are
> an NT shop.
> And,we  have had only a handful of true help desk/service
> calls per month
> since September of last year.  Obviously, we're doing
> something right as our
> end users aren't, for the most part, NT system
> administrators.   Fact of the
> matter, most of high quality tools and components needed
> are to get the job
> done have already been developed for the Windows platform.
> Don't get me wrong...I love Linux and the concept of Open Source.
> Unfortunately, when you see what's available on
> and other
> sites, it seems that mostly what is out there are attempts
> at a better
> Solitare, Newsreader or putting their high school homework
> out for everyone
> to critique.  But, I have yet to see a plethora of high
> quality tools that I
> need to get my job done. (Yeah..this is flame bait...I
> know) in a corporate
> environment.  Most of us don't have the time (except on
> rare occassions) to
> analyze someone elses code to make a fix.  Plus, unless the
> changes are
> accept by the authors, then the next time the code is
> released, existing
> work will break.  Why haven't people organized, like they
> did with the
> development of Linux, GNOME, and KDE, and develop
> applications and tools
> that corporate developers (and end users alike) really
> need? We've seen the
> effects of this type of this type of organization;
> stability, low-cost, and
> quick fix time. This is why the corporate world is looking
> at Linux in the
> first place.
> But, without solid tools and libraries to get the job
> done...Linux will
> remain relegated to tasks like serving up web pages and
> email despite its
> obvious superiority over NT as alluded to in the quote
> above.  That's why I
> am amazed at the negative responses people have provided
> knowing that
> Borland is willing to bring their tools to Linux.  If Linux
> is truly ready
> for primetime and Open Source tools are truly available, as
> some of you
> attest, then I pose the following challenge to you all:
> I have a Windows 95/NT application that runs Oracle 7/8 on
> the backend.  We
> offer the following configurations...Oracle on a server
> with Win95/98
> clients and, soon, a version that has Win95/98 clients
> accessing an Oracle
> backend over either a CDPD or packet radio network. Stability and
> reliability and performance are essential..
> Assuming I have the resources and commitment from higher
> management, what I
> am challenging you all to think about is how I can develop
> this system using
> available Linux tools.  I don't want a mish mash of
> languages...just a
> simple solution that provides:
> a) Multiuser access to an Oracle 7/8 backend capable of
> serving SQL and
> PL/SQL calls and returning datasets and results back to clients.
> b) Client access to the same backend over a CDPD or packet
> radio network.
> Clients MUST be Windows 95/98 based for now.
> c) Client and server alike must be able to manipulate and
> control their
> attached RF modems and be notified when there is a break in and/or
> restoration of connectivity.
> d) Win95/98 client access to the same backend server over
> Microsoft TCP/IP
> and Novell networks.
> I realize that this is a general and rather vague set of
> requirements.  But,
> where there are holes, competent developers can do the patching.
> I'd love to say that Windows can be eliminated from the
> equation entirely.
> But, it can't.  Our client workstations will remain Windows
> based for the
> foreseeable future.  So, what I'm looking for a server side
> solution.
> So, if you can tell me that what Open Source libraries and
> modules that can
> provide the desired capabilities and how they can be
> combined (no soure code
> please)..then I'm listening.
> I'd love to hear what you all come up with as I truly hope
> there is an Open
> Source solution.  There is nothing more that I'd like to do
> than to go to my
> boss (the President), make a case for Linux, and hire Linux
> developers to
> make this a reality.
> Cheers,
> Charles
> _______________________________________________
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