Kevin Hill on Mon, 26 Jul 1999 11:49:01 -0400 (EDT)

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Re: [Plug] X Lockup under 2.2.10

1.  You can get your kernel version through the command:

uname -r

1A. Already answered correctly: rpm -qa | grep -i <name of pkg>

2. No idea.

3. There's probably a file in your home directory called .X.err.  This
should contain the output.  If it's stale, delete it and restart X to
recreate it.  Also check the /var/log area (as always).

The moron question is subjective and, as such, I won't go into it.

- khill wrote:
> Hey Folks,
>       Issue:
> Using
> RH 6.0
> kernel 2.2.10
> XFree86 (3.3.1 I think, at least that's what the doc rev is
> (/usr/doc/XFree86-doc-3.3.1/X11)
> Gnome (again. I don't know the rev, its the version sent with RH6)
> I don' t have the RPM disk here to check the RPM rev, and I don't know how to
> check the version number from within ths system...sorry)
> Occasionally, X locks up when I am attempting to exit.  I don't think it is an
> enlightenment issue 'cause the only way I can get out after X locks is to kill
> -9 the login process for my user ID.  kill9ing the parent shell or the startx
> process has no effect at all.  At first I thought I had done smething in my
> kernel recompile, but both my desktop and laptop are exhibiting the same
> symptoms, with significantly different kernel selections, and Xconfig choices.
> As I write this, rather than asking for someone to solve my problem, what kind
> of additional steps can I take to analyze it further?
> 1) How do I check the kernel rev (assuming i have no docs, no /ets/issue
> message, am an idiot? there a command?) ?
>      1A)How do I check an application/package/whatever version without the
> original there a Command Line command?
> 2) Where is the bug-tracking system for GNU/Linux as a whole? Is there a
> worldwide repository for bug listigs?
> 3) How can I pipe the output of the X screen errors (the ones you see when you
> quit X) to a file?  Or is there already an "Xlog" , and I just   don't know
> whrere it is..if so,where is it?
> 4) how can I avoid feeling like a moron for asking all of these questions?
> Should I feel like a moron?  :->
> Thanks, Peace,
> Vale
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