Vale_Kenny on Mon, 26 Jul 1999 11:50:40 -0400 (EDT)

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Re: [Plug] X Lockup under 2.2.10

Hmmmm...  "man rpm" quite the useful command...ok, I'll use that next time...
Thanks Michael,

"Michael W. Ryan" <> on 07/26/99 11:43:54 AM

> XFree86 (3.3.1 I think, at least that's what the doc rev is
> (/usr/doc/XFree86-doc-3.3.1/X11)
> Gnome (again. I don't know the rev, its the version sent with RH6)
> I don' t have the RPM disk here to check the RPM rev, and I don't know how to
> check the version number from within ths system...sorry)

Just type "rpm -q <package name>".  Incidentally, the RPM spec states that
the version of a package is defined by the version embedded in the
package, not the filename.  The version being placed in the filename (or
the package name, for that matter) of the package is only a naming

If you're not sure sure of the exact name of the package (as far as I
know, the standard rpm binary doesn't support pattern matching on package
names), you run the output of "rpm -qa" through grep.  The -qa option
lists all packages installed.

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