Charles Stack on Wed, 18 Aug 1999 14:08:48 -0400 (EDT)

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RE: [Plug] Trouble starting X remotely

I managed to get X running remotely on my RH 6 box using X-WinPro for
Windows.  I used XDMCP to get everything started.  One thing I did notice is
that I could not get X to run remotely if the server did start X on login.
In other words, my Linux box has to start X automatically in run level 5.
Another thing I discovered was that I couldn't log in from the
internet...only from my LAN.  I'm guessing this is either an IP translation
problem or something just isn't configured properly.

Anyway...for those of you with Windoze boxes and want to run X, grab a copy
of X-WinPro.  It offers multiple window settings (Full Screen, multiple
windows, multiple windows with remote windows manager, etc).  If you select
the remote windows manager variant, your X windows co-mingle on your Windoze
screen but assume the look and feel of your favorite windows manager.


-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Michael Leone
Sent: Wednesday, August 18, 1999 1:58 PM
Subject: [Plug] Trouble starting X remotely

I have a machine running Slackware 3.4 (kernel 2.0.34) as an intranet web
server, email server, etc, on my LAN - all the good stuff that Linux does
so well and silently. :-)

Anyway - I have X installed on this server. If I startx from the server
console, everything comes up just as it should. Life is good.

If I telnet in (from a Win95 station), and (following the example in _A
Practical Guide to Linux_, the only book I have handy here at work) do a
echo $DISPLAY (to get the contents of the DISPLAY environmental variable to
pass to X), I get a blank - not the ":0.0" example in the book.

So, when I startx from the telnet session, X starts over on the server
And I have to go over to the server and stop X. Life is bad.

1. What am I doing wrong? I want the X to show in my telnet window on my
workstation, not on the server. How can I pass X the info to show up here
rather than there?
2. Does the server have to already be running X?

"...and if you have any questions about anything, come on up and ask
me. Even if I don't know the answer, I'll make something up and you'll
believe me."-Unknown

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