Joshua Mazess on Sun, 22 Aug 1999 00:25:44 -0400 (EDT) |
I'm not sure of the exact manifest; I'd have to find and inventory everything first. The kinds of stuff I'm talking about are a couple old XT motherboards, 1200 baud "dumb" modems, old hard drives (mostly dead), old 8-bit network cards, and a variety of add-on cards that are either old 8-bit cards that went with the XT motherboards or that I just don't need anymore. Oh, I also have some junk in the basement including a CGA monitor, a broken Star wide-carriage dot matrix printer, and an old "luggable" (if you can call it that, it's more of a specially-packaged desktop) XT 4.77Mhz system with 20MB hard drive and a 5.25" floppy -- the top seems to be missing; I think it may have contained a screen or something. You're about 40 minutes west from where I live. --
Nick R wrote: Tell me what you've got and about where you are. I may very well want it.