Nicolai Rosen on Sun, 5 Dec 1999 20:07:20 -0500 (EST)

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Re: [Plug] install fests / demo days

Well what if we split it in two? Start it installing before and then meet while all the time but not people intensive things are happening. Then fix what didn't get going properly afterwards.

From: Mental <>
Subject: Re: [Plug] install fests / demo days
Date: Sun, 5 Dec 1999 17:44:10 -0500

On Sun, Dec 05, 1999 at 12:07:44PM -0500, Darxus wrote:
> On Sun, 5 Dec 1999, Bill Shaw wrote:
> > I'd be interested.
> >
> > Aside from the better chance of getting the install done correctly, I'd have
> > a chance to get some ICQ#s of folks in the same boat as I am.
> I was also thinking we might just want to do an open invite to having
> people bring in their computers to do installs after the meetings. I'm
> the one who says when we have to leave, and I expect that to generally be
> 11:30pm. I've never paid attention to a clock while doing an install.. is
> 2.5 hours enough ? (9pm (end of official meeting) till 11:30)
> But it would be good to have warning if somebody's gonna bring in a
> machine... if we unexpectedly had 30 people bring in machines, it wouldn't
> work.

It'll work fine til someone shows up with that wacky network or video card that
you just cant seem to get working. I think doing the installs after the meeting
would be a bit rushed. Between setup and tear down time that doesnt leave a
whole lot of time for troubleshooting.

Mental --

"you make insanity respectable."
--Helcat on the subject of Mental.

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