tburba on Mon, 6 Dec 1999 10:25:48 -0500 (EST)

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Re: [Plug] ttysnoop and /dev/vcs#

Thanx for the reply. Now for the clincher -- I note that there are at least
63 vcs device files and their man page is virtually useless. How do I set
up a vcs for something like /dev/ttyS1? (T)hanks (I)n (A)dvance.
Tom Burba
U.S. Vision, Inc.
856-228-1000 x2295

cjf@netaxs.com on 12/04/99 01:05:51 AM

Please respond to plug@lists.nothinbut.net

To:   plug@lists.nothinbut.net
cc:    (bcc: Thomas A Burba/USVISION)
Subject:  Re: [Plug] ttysnoop and /dev/vcs#

Hi Tom,
Chris Fearnley here.  My best e-mail address these days is
cjf@LinuxForce2000.com (the account I read PLUG mail on sometimes
misses my attention for a few days).  I was pleasantly surprised when I
got home and discovered that /dev/vcs? did what I said it would.
On Fri, Dec 03, 1999 at 11:57:45AM -0500, tburba@GLCORPIS01.usvision.com
> Forgive my ignorance, what is the name of the Plug meeting moderator guy
> (both
> Name and e-mail name if you have it)? I'd like to start a thread about
> discussion at the meeting re: ttysnoop and /dev/vcs#. Thanks.
> Yours,
> Tom Burba
> U.S. Vision, Inc.
> tburba@usvision.com (corporate)
> 856-228-1000 x2295
> _______________________________________________
> Plug maillist  -  Plug@lists.nothinbut.net
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Christopher J. Fearnley          |  Linux/Internet Consulting
cjf@netaxs.com                   |  Design Science Revolutionary
http://www.CJFearnley.com        |  Explorer in Universe
                  "Dare to be Na?ve" -- Bucky Fuller
Plug maillist  -  Plug@lists.nothinbut.net

Plug maillist  -  Plug@lists.nothinbut.net