tburba on Mon, 6 Dec 1999 13:45:33 -0500 (EST)

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Re: [Plug] ttysnoop and /dev/vcs#

>>>The use of the Unix98 standard is a compile option, so you could
your kernel & take it out.<<<

Sorry, but probably not and option. We had to spend a lot of money
re-engineering the apps we use to be able to use the Unix98PTY standard and
with setting up more than 700 Linux hosts on this network it would be
counterproductive. The other part that would be hard to change is we'd have
to get this to work with mgetty. Any ideas?

>>>Is carl@miskatonic.inbe.net the person you emailed ?  The docs say
the creator of ttysnoop.  The debian package is up to date, so it's
maintainer is unlikely to be helpful.<<<

Yes, Carl is who I sent many e-mails to. What constitutes "up to date"? I
thought that if something new like Unix98 PTY's are added to the kernel
that support for that standard would be a goal of the maintainers of
packages. Am I off base here? Thanks again.
Tom Burba
U.S. Vision, Inc.
856-228-1000 x2295

darxus@op.net on 12/06/99 12:48:09 PM

Please respond to plug@lists.nothinbut.net

To:   plug@lists.nothinbut.net
cc:    (bcc: Thomas A Burba/USVISION)
Subject:  Re: [Plug] ttysnoop and /dev/vcs#

On Mon, 6 Dec 1999 tburba@GLCORPIS01.usvision.com wrote:
> What kernel are you using? What version ot ttysnoop? What distro? (We
> committed to RH6.0 for vertical market developer contractual reasons.)
> your ttysnoop support the /dev/pts dynamic pseudotty Unix98 standard that
> is built-in to the 2.2x kernel? Let me know how we can work together to
> it running. Thanks.
I'm not at home, so I'm accessing my computer at home via ssh -- I'm not
going to mess w/ my login programs from here, so I haven't been able to
test it.
The debian package matches the latest version of ttysnoop on freshmeat &
metalab.  So it's probably the latest version.
The use of the unix98 standard is a compile option, so you could recompile
your kernel & take it out.
In "make menuconfig" (or xconfig, or whatever), go into "Character
devices", and deselect "Unix98 PTY support".
Is carl@miskatonic.inbe.net the person you emailed ?  The docs say that's
the creator of ttysnoop.  The debian package is up to date, so it's
maintainer is unlikely to be helpful.
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