Darxus on Mon, 6 Dec 1999 15:15:41 -0500 (EST)

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Re: [Plug] ttysnoop and /dev/vcs#

On Mon, 6 Dec 1999 tburba@GLCORPIS01.usvision.com wrote:

> >>>Well, how/why would you have to get it to work w/ mgetty ?<<<
> mgetty has the support that we need for our dialup modem based WAN.

Okay, I'm having difficulty grasping what you're trying to do.

You should be able to use mgetty for your wan connections, and ttysnoops
for your dumb terminal connections... ?


Ah, here ya go... in the example /etc/snooptab that comes in the debian

# example /etc/inittab (using agetty):
# s2:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 ttyS2 vt100 -l /usr/sbin/ttysnoops

Paste me the lines in your /etc/inittab that spawn your mgetty's.  It
looks like you just need to add "-l /usr/bin/ttysnoops" to use ttysnoops
as the login program for mgetty.

I don't have the mgetty man pages handy, so I can't verify the syntax is
identical to that of getty, but I'd expect it to be.

>From my getty manpage:

       -l login_program
              Invoke   the  specified  login_program  instead  of
              /bin/login.  This allows the use of a  non-standard
              login  program  (for  example,  one that asks for a
              dial-up password or that uses a different  password

..and you wanna use ttysnoops as the login_program.

> >>>ttysnoop is GPLed, download the code & make it work w/ unix98 PTYs :)<<<
> alas, I'm not a codeslinger -- just a lowly, overworked, system engineer.
> Any Volunteers?

Everybody has to start somewhere :)

> >>>Also, why do you need to snoop /dev/ttyS1 instead of using the a virtual
> console ?<<<
> each of our 700 sites around US and Canada has a console and multiple
> serial dumb terminals running over dev/ttyS#. Can an actual port be
> represented as a virtual console? If so, then our problem may be solved!

No, that's not what I'm saying.

But it sounds like you're not dealing w/ Unix98 PTYs.  Unix98 PTYs look
like /dev/pts/1 -- /dev/ttyS# is *not* a Unix98 PTY, and if you are using
it, Unix98 PTYs are *not* the problem.  I think.

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