Bill Jonas on Tue, 21 Dec 1999 17:30:58 -0500 (EST)

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Re: [Plug] MSIE for UNIX/other client that can do SPA

> > Just what
> > 'failed'?  [okay, so this discussion is really off-topic for the list.]
> It could very well be that MSN uses a large amount of DHTML in the pages.
> Netscape's support for DHTML is woefully inadequate (and before you wave
> the standards flag, DHTML and the DOM are submitted for standards
> approval, whereas I believe the <LAYER> tag has been shot down numerous
> times by the W3C).  If you need to do any kind of serious DHTML, you need
> to work towards an IE4/IE5 platform.

The email server password authentication failed, not web surfing.  I failed
to clarify that.

> > Well I'm not too familiar with this, but I don't think that this is any
> > sort of proprietary protocol.  I would guess you could use Eudora, or
> > other SMTP mail agent.
> I think this is correct.  I haven't had alot of luck, but there are some
> people I can ask.

Thanks for any help.


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