Mental on Wed, 29 Dec 1999 16:40:41 -0500 (EST)

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Re: [Plug] DVD software

On Wed, Dec 29, 1999 at 09:20:19PM +0000, Nicolai Rosen wrote:
> What I said can't be taken out of context. I was referring to somebody else 
> who characterized all young people (and Mental specifically) as selfish, 
> lazy, and immoral and said that they had no concept of what it was like to 
> work for things, which leads to them being criminal in nature and feeling 
> that it's ok to steal from others. I disagree with this kind of prejudice 
> and pointed out that Mental did have a job, making the point not just 
> bigotry, but bigotry that didn't even apply to the one person it was 
> invented for.

Dont be silly. Or at least let me decide for myself when I'm offended
by something. :)

Stating that I dont know what its like to work for something is......
amusing. Anyone who knows me would understand why I'd get a chuckle
out of that.

I dont expect the world to adopt my values. I dont imagine most people
would really relate to where I'm coming from. Selfish, lazy and immoral?
I guess I'm guilty as charged. No less than anyone else. I can accept
that. Its really not a problem. Lable me however suits you, its fine.
Just don't expect me to conform to it. Names are just words and words
only have the meaning that you assign to them. Its all relative :)

As for me working. I haven't worked for a living in about 5 years. I
get paid to play about on these silly electronic toys with the alphabet
printed on them. People take the world way too seriously. Life is a 
temporary condition and really doesnt last long enough to get upset
over little things.

I respect your right to disagree with me. To dislike me. I expect
the same freedom. 


"you make insanity respectable."
--Helcat on the subject of Mental.

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