Charles Stack on Mon, 3 Jan 2000 14:05:12 -0500 (EST)

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RE: apt (was: Re: [Plug] redhat 6.1 insllation)

I think I came across this.. does it require registration/money ?

I am using a purchased copy of RH 6.1 Pro.  I have not yet registered it.

> Also, GnomeRPM provides RPM Find if you want to do it manually.
The number of packages avaiable on redhat's site has been very limited, in
my experience.  I've gotten the impression that redhat has a larger
archive of packages available only to people who give them money ?

It seems the packages they provide are the security/bug fixes listed in the
appropriate errata section.  Update Agent looks at what you have installed,
sees what is available, and then goes after whatever it needs to do the job.
It seems to handle any special installation/upgrade installations
transparently to the user.

Plug maillist  -