Kyle Burton on Fri, 7 Jan 2000 10:50:41 -0500 (EST)

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[PLUG] Re: System Crash

Have you tried removing, individualy, peices of eqiupment and rebooting?

i.e. start with just the MB + Video Card -- no ram, no disks, no scsi
and see if you get a POST test?  or at least the standard POST beeping?

then add the stuff back in 1 item at a time...

I'd do them in this order:
- bare MB first (with and without KB -- but no mouse)
- video card
- ram
- scsi controllers
- disks (1 at a time)
- other periphials, 1 at a time, like: sound, network, etc...
- external periphials (like mice, external modems, printers, scanners, etc)

If that doesn't work, try an alternate video card that you know works
from another box -- still not working? try your hardware on a different 
MB, one at a time...just to see if it's sane.


A witty saying proves nothing. 
    -- Voltaire                  

On Sun, 7 Jan 2001, vkenny wrote:

> First My apologies to those recieving this in duplicate and triplicate,
> my apologies
> Second, to the PLUG list, this is not exactly a Linux question, but i'm
> desperate...
> Last night at 10:15, my system frose, no ping nada..
> surprising, but no big deal, just reboot, wait through the tests,
> fortunately all was well
> this morning when I went to polish off sme work I had done, the thing
> froze again, now I was worried..again dead..
> reboot again..and nothing..
> Hardware in question
> ASUS P2L97 MoBo
> PII 300 overclocked to 337 Mhz runs at 92 deg. F.
> 150 Mb SDRAM
> Adaptec 2940 U SCSI adapter
>     seagate drives 2 barracudas, 1 hawk.  the hawk is in an external
> array
> Diamond V550 Video card AGP
> no, I have not hot plugged  the keyboard..
> I think thats all of the pertinent hardware
> Symptoms..
> on boot the screen is black, no POST, nothing, not a flicker
> the fans kick in, and the drices spin, including the array.
> the light on the 2940 comes on steady
> no floppy twitch for boot..
> CDRoms flicker then stop
> the drives attempt to boot based on the sound they are making, then stop
> after about 15 seconds
> the light for the 2940 never budges, steady on
> that's it.
> What I've done..
> pulled the drives and dusted them all, making sure there was no
> particles on the connections or chips
> pulled the RAM and CPU and dusted
> dusted the MoBo
> Pulled the cards and dusted slots and cards
> ckecked all wires and ribbon cables for wear, all are intact
> obviously reconnected everything
> suggestions?
> This is my primary work system, with all of my work, and backups, email,
> everything..basically, I'm F*ed without it.
> I did notice that on one of the smaller (really descriptive, ain't it?)
> chips on the MoBo had whitish deposits, almost like calcium buildup
> which came off easily.
> BTW, I *never* dust with compressed air, I always use a grounded camel's
> hair brush, so there's no concerns with a particle imbedded under a chip
> or in a slot..
> Thanks Folks.
> Vale

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