Kyle Burton on Fri, 7 Jan 2000 10:53:55 -0500 (EST)

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Re: [PLUG] Re: System Crash

Also, I'd keep the disk with the importiant information out of the process
untill it's the last thing on the list -- just in case some of the hardware
has gone kooky and detonates the stuff on the disk -- do you have another
box you can connect the drive to just to get your stuff off of it before
you dive into the hardware problems?

I mean, how importiant is the data?  It obviously wasn't importiant enough
to back up in the first place, but is it importiant enough to interrupt
someone esle's work day to use their box to get the data?


A witty saying proves nothing. 
    -- Voltaire                  

On Fri, 7 Jan 2000, Kyle Burton wrote:

> Have you tried removing, individualy, peices of eqiupment and rebooting?
> i.e. start with just the MB + Video Card -- no ram, no disks, no scsi
> and see if you get a POST test?  or at least the standard POST beeping?
> then add the stuff back in 1 item at a time...
> I'd do them in this order:
> - bare MB first (with and without KB -- but no mouse)
> - video card
> - ram
> - scsi controllers
> - disks (1 at a time)
> - other periphials, 1 at a time, like: sound, network, etc...
> - external periphials (like mice, external modems, printers, scanners, etc)
> If that doesn't work, try an alternate video card that you know works
> from another box -- still not working? try your hardware on a different 
> MB, one at a time...just to see if it's sane.
> k
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> A witty saying proves nothing. 
>     -- Voltaire 
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> On Sun, 7 Jan 2001, vkenny wrote:
> > First My apologies to those recieving this in duplicate and triplicate,
> > my apologies
> > Second, to the PLUG list, this is not exactly a Linux question, but i'm
> > desperate...
> > 
> > Last night at 10:15, my system frose, no ping nada..
> > surprising, but no big deal, just reboot, wait through the tests,
> > fortunately all was well
> > this morning when I went to polish off sme work I had done, the thing
> > froze again, now I was worried..again dead..
> > reboot again..and nothing..
> > 
> > Hardware in question
> > ASUS P2L97 MoBo
> > PII 300 overclocked to 337 Mhz runs at 92 deg. F.
> > 150 Mb SDRAM
> > Adaptec 2940 U SCSI adapter
> >     seagate drives 2 barracudas, 1 hawk.  the hawk is in an external
> > array
> > Diamond V550 Video card AGP
> > no, I have not hot plugged  the keyboard..
> > I think thats all of the pertinent hardware
> > 
> > Symptoms..
> > on boot the screen is black, no POST, nothing, not a flicker
> > the fans kick in, and the drices spin, including the array.
> > the light on the 2940 comes on steady
> > no floppy twitch for boot..
> > CDRoms flicker then stop
> > the drives attempt to boot based on the sound they are making, then stop
> > after about 15 seconds
> > the light for the 2940 never budges, steady on
> > that's it.
> > 
> > What I've done..
> > pulled the drives and dusted them all, making sure there was no
> > particles on the connections or chips
> > pulled the RAM and CPU and dusted
> > dusted the MoBo
> > Pulled the cards and dusted slots and cards
> > ckecked all wires and ribbon cables for wear, all are intact
> > obviously reconnected everything
> > 
> > suggestions?
> > This is my primary work system, with all of my work, and backups, email,
> > everything..basically, I'm F*ed without it.
> > 
> > I did notice that on one of the smaller (really descriptive, ain't it?)
> > chips on the MoBo had whitish deposits, almost like calcium buildup
> > which came off easily.
> > BTW, I *never* dust with compressed air, I always use a grounded camel's
> > hair brush, so there's no concerns with a particle imbedded under a chip
> > or in a slot..
> > 
> > Thanks Folks.
> > Vale
> > 
> > 
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