Aarune J. Oracle on Tue, 11 Jan 2000 09:21:14 -0500 (EST)

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This may sound odd, but when you open up the script does it try to call
any other applications?  If so they may not be in the place the script is
looking for.  RedHat doesnt put things in the same spots that most
distro's do.


Time is Irrelevant to the worlds beyond this godforsaken place unto which
it destroys all.
		-Aarune J. Oracle

it's the same old story; boy meets beer, boy drinks beer... boy gets another beer.
		-- Cheers

narcolepulacyi, n.:
The contagious action of yawning, causing everyone in sight to also yawn.
                -- "Sniglets", Rich Hall & Friends

On Mon, 10 Jan 2000, Stephen E. Fritz wrote:

:Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2000 22:38:04 -0500
:From: Stephen E. Fritz <fritzs@sterlingcomp.com>
:Reply-To: plug@lists.nothinbut.net
:To: plug@lists.nothinbut.net
:Subject: [PLUG] AT&T VNC
:Has anyone out there worked with AT&T's Virtual Network Computing (VNC) X client/server package.  I have downloaded the RPM and it works well, but I have been having a problem with the PERL script they offer.  When I try to invoke the script from root, I get an "Application not found" error.  It was installed to my path, but I did not edit the script, although it appeared to be OK for my redHat 6.0 install.  I know almost nothing about PERL, so hopefully someone has worked with VNC and can offer some tips.
:Stephen Fritz
:Ridley Park, PA

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