neodem on Wed, 26 Jan 2000 09:02:16 -0500 (EST)

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Re: [PLUG] Finding Linux Help

Charles, thanks for your tips, I am getting a flowpoint router and I've
heard that they have a firewall option. I'm also reading a really great book
about Linux security "Maximum Linux Secuity" that goes over just about
everything. I'm sure when I get closer to putting it all together (30-90
days for the installation of the DSL) I'll be pestering the list with help
requests. Thanks again for your help!



----- Original Message -----
From: "Charles Stack" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, January 21, 2000 1:08 PM
Subject: RE: [PLUG] Finding Linux Help

> We're running SDSL with a Flowpoint router here in the office.  Depending
> upon what your purchase, you can configure (or your ISP can) the FlowPoint
> to provide NAT or straighthrough routing.  We elected to have NAT turned
> at the router (giving us our 5 IP's), and instead use a Linux box to
> IP Masquarade.
> Then, I went to town configuring what services were available and to whom
> (/etc/init.conf and /etc/hosts.allow & /etc/hosts.deny).
> I'd also suggest limiting the visibility of your files.  If you are
> RedHat, it sets the access rights on directories as 755.  Go back and set
> them to 751 unless you really need to read files in /etc, /bin, etc.
> Oh, yeah...don't leave your password file unencrypted.  Use shadowing if
> possible.
> Finally, install something like LIDS, COPS or TripWire to assist in
> a bad guy and to help accertain what they they did.
> Then, I ran Saint against it looking for weaknessess.  When running, you
> can't see the Windows machines from the internet.  For, that you either
> to run VPN software or SSH.  SecureCRT, from VanDyke, allows you to tunnel
> into your private network using SSH and their software (Windows only).
> also played with VPND.
> BTW, we were scanned by a would-be hacker right after our Linux box went
> live (confirmed by the system operator of the systems the attack WAS
> launched from).  They did not get in (this time, at least).
> If you are dreadfully concerned about someone hacking into your system,
> may want to go the route of having a dedicated firewall.  But, I think
> a few precautions, you'll be probably be alright.
> As for setting up a dial-in server....Get the rest of your network working
> first.  Then, add that capability.
> Charles
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of Rebecca Ore
> Sent: Friday, January 21, 2000 10:06 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [PLUG] Finding Linux Help
> On Fri, Jan 21, 2000 at 09:27:38AM -0500, neodem wrote:
> > Hi, I'm a new member to this list, and I'm writing today in search of
> > help and/or suggestions.
> >
> > In a month, I am having  SDSL installed in my home and I want to
> administer
> > the connection with a Linux server. I'm not a Linux expert by any means
> and
> > I'm looking for someone to help me set it up properly.
> If you have a FlowPoint router, and if you have multiple IP addresses,
> you can do firewalling either by putting up a second Linux box as a
> firewall (which I can't help you with)¸ or pay for the key unlocking
> to run the FlowPoint's firewall program.
> You can run all the boxes off the FlowPoint (with or without the
> firewalling).  Not recommended for Windows boxes unless you do have
> the FlowPoint firewalling going.
> >
> > I have 2 Windows PC's  in my home as well and want to hook them up to
> > server and be able to access the net. I also want the server to be able
> > accept dial-ups from me when I'm away.
> Why the dial-ups?  I think this complicates your set-up, but I'll let
> others address that.
> > I want the server to run Apache, an email server and other network apps.
> I'm
> > a bit afraid of having the box up on the net all the time so I'll need
> > set up some type of security/firewall as well.
> I run all those and have a running nntp port (with no inbound or
> outbound feeds).  I run TripWire and PortSentry.  The most important
> thing is to read your logs, keep up with what's going on with your
> machine.
> Close all services you don't need; close telnet and use ssh, close
> finger and any other services you don't know much about.  Make
> sure your host deny file is all:all and you only allow people on the
> machine who have a need to be there (smtp and http are set up
> differently -- in /etc/hosts.allow, I've got an entry for sendmail
> that's "sendmail: all."  You'll also want to close sendmail's vrfy and
> expd so people can't get the user name and try cracking the passwords.
> If you're logged on remotely, check "who" periodically to see if you
> have unexpected company.  Check your http logs to see if anyone tried
> anything weird (there are some things that look weird that are just MS
> artifacts).
> TripWire will tell you if any files in your core directories have
> changed in the last 24 hours.  Some of my files change automatically,
> but I didn't set up TripWire to skip them because I also use the time
> I'm logged in as root to check other things and getting the daily mail
> assures me that TripWire is still running.  You can probably find
> programs that will mail you suspicious items out of your logs.  This
> can be set to send them to your work address if you're not home.
> > Any help you can offer would be great. Thanks.
> If you've never done this before, start with RedHat 6.1 and all the
> recommended upgrades.  You'll want two ethernet cards in the Linux
> box, one to the FlowPoint/sdsl modem, the other to a small hub for
> your Windows boxes, which will also need ethernet cards.  I've never
> done a Samba installation; there are other people better informed
> on this than I am.
> --
> Rebecca Ore
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