Walt Mankowski on Fri, 13 Apr 2001 23:39:49 -0400

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Re: [PLUG] wine, quicken, installshield, and hair on the floor

On Fri, Apr 13, 2001 at 02:03:00PM -0400, Jeff Abrahamson wrote:
> Ya know, I'd love to be using gnucash. I tried it out, and maybe it's
> just got a steep learning curve. But I had trouble figuring it out
> completely. But, more to the point, the QIF import failed miserably,
> confusing categories and descriptions and things. Really weird
> experience. (And why doesn't gnucash have an import option that says,
> "Grab all the QIF files in this dir?" But I digress into whining.)

There was an introductory article on gnucash in the April, 2001 issue
of Linux Journal.  I just received the May issue in the mail this week
so last month's issue might still be on newstands.

I don't remember if it addressed QIF importing, but it did discuss in
some detail the double-entry ledger system gnucash uses.  It's a
different mindset than Quicken which may be the source of your


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