Darxus on Tue, 3 Jul 2001 13:30:24 -0400 |
Anybody in the mood to do some professional writing ? Let me know. Please don't attempt any contact without communicating with me first, so I can be sure there is no redundancy. I initially contacted this guy because he built and runs a beowulf (linux) cluster at the University of the Sciences in Philadelphia. ----- Forwarded message from Guillermo Moyna <g.moyna@usip.edu> ----- Date: Tue, 3 Jul 2001 10:25:47 -0400 From: Guillermo Moyna <g.moyna@usip.edu> To: Darxus@chaosreigns.com Subject: Re: linux user group meeting at usip.edu ? Hi, Sorry for the delay - Car problems kept me busy for a week... I contacted the office in charge of this kind of things, and they told me that they will need a request in writing from PLUG. In the letter (which needs to be in letterhead), you should state the nature of the group, the purpose of the meetings, the time and days you plan to meet, and the meeting room requirements. This letter can be faxed to: Elizabeth Bressi-Stoppe, AS, Vice President for Executive Affairs Office of the President University of the Sciences in Philadelphia Fax#: (215) 596-8726 You probably have to include that you already contacted me, and that not only myself but other faculty members from several Departments (Chemistry & Biochemistry, Mathematics, Physics, and Computer Science) were very interested in hosting the metings at USP. Again, sorry for the delay. Also, I thought there wouldn't be so much red tape. If you send them the fax, let me know and I'll keep in touch with the office. Cheers, Guillermo >The place we were hoping to hold meeting at for July 11th and August 8th >just fell through for July, and probably August. We are working on other >possibilities, but they will probably be (inconveniently) outside the city. >How are things looking on your end ? +==================-------------- --- -- - - - - Guillermo Moyna, PhD Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry University of the Sciences in Philadelphia 600 South 43rd Street Philadelphia, PA 19104-4495 "The only existing things are atoms and empty space. All else is mere opinion" - Democritus, 370 B.C. Office: Grifith Hall 360 Phone: (215) 596-8526 Fax: (215) 596-8543 e-mail: g.moyna@usip.edu WWW: http://tonga.usip.edu/gmoyna/index.html http://www.usip.edu/chemistry/faculty/moyna.asp - - - - -- --- -----------=================+ ----- End forwarded message ----- -- http://www.ChaosReigns.com ______________________________________________________________________ Philadelphia Linux Users Group - http://www.phillylinux.org Announcements-http://lists.phillylinux.org/mail/listinfo/plug-announce General Discussion - http://lists.phillylinux.org/mail/listinfo/plug