gabriel rosenkoetter on Wed, 5 Dec 2001 23:00:33 +0100

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Re: [PLUG] Suggestions for a 'computer science' textbook...

On Wed, Dec 05, 2001 at 04:25:19PM -0500, Chris Beggy  wrote:
> /Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs/, Abelson and
> Sussman (see

Hrm. That's got more to do with high-level programming languages
(Scheme, specifically) than anything else, does it not?

> /Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach/, Hennesey and Patterson

The title seems familiar, but I don't recall it specifically.

Now then, for my own two cents...

As far as the math-y end of computer science, there is (imho) no
better algorithms/theory text than Cormen, Leiserson, and Rivest's
"Algorithms" (and yes, it does cover theory too).

On the hardware end, Stallings's "Computer Organization and
Architecture: Designing for Performance" and Tanenbaum's "Structured
Computer Organization" are both pretty good.

I don't think I've ever seen both halves covered competently in the
same source.

Oh, and it's not exactly the question asked, but for those
interested in OS design, McKusick's "Design and Implementation
of the 4.4 BSD Operating System" is an absolute necessity
(regardless of whether or not your OS has anything to do with BSD).

gabriel rosenkoetter

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