Bill Jonas on Wed, 20 Feb 2002 16:40:21 +0100

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Re: [PLUG] Compiling perl in CPAN - progress!

On Wed, Feb 20, 2002 at 09:00:46AM -0500, Mike Leone wrote:
> I have no gcc package, yet I have a gcc v2.95 compiler.

You know, there's a stddef.h in the gcc-2.95 package, but I didn't bring
that up since you obviously already had a compiler.  :)

BTW, that should be why it didn't find cc.  /usr/bin/cc generally points
to /etc/alternatives/cc which usually points to /usr/bin/gcc, at least
if a gcc package is installed.  Something obviously got broken, so the
alternatives system didn't work.  As well as having missing files.  (I
could ramble for a paragraph or two about the alternatives system, but
that's another mail.)

Hmm.  Strange.  I guess it will most likely work for you now.

Bill Jonas    *    *

Developer/SysAdmin for hire!   See

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