Jim Foster on Tue, 5 Mar 2002 13:17:05 -0500

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Re: [PLUG] Cable Modem Woes

Wouldn't it be easier to just buy a LinkSys (or whatever) switch/router and be done with it?

At 12:46 PM 3/5/2002 -0500, you wrote:
I know we have gone over the cable modem issue ad.nausium, but I need someone
to point me to a GOOD how-to for cable modem and conection sharing (ie:
firewall/router) for SuSE 7.3. I connected the cable modem to my primary
workstation instead of having a machine dedicated to the task. The dedicated
box is running eSmith server and does an excellent job and was easy to
configure. However, I cannot even get the DHCP to work on the second card in
my primary box. I would have thought SuSE7.3 would handle this better, but it
doesn't. Can anyone point me to something definitive on getting this to work?
Once I have the primary box connect directly to the cable modem, then i'll
worry about routing the rest of the network through it.

Jim Foster - jif "at" computer .org http://www.voicenet.com/~jfoster
"Being on a Beemer and not having a wave returned by a ICQ 679709
Sportster is like having a clipper ship's hailing not RAM 2500 Cummins
returned by an orphaned New Jersey solid waste barge." -OTL '91 K100RS16V

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