Michael Leone on Sun, 24 Mar 2002 16:52:25 -0500 |
I originally only sent this to PADS, but then figured there might be some Debian users on PLUG who aren't also on PADS. -----Forwarded Message----- From: Michael Leone <turgon@mike-leone.com> To: PADS <pads@LinuxForce.net> Subject: Updating Libranet Date: 24 Mar 2002 16:44:42 -0500 So I decided to try out Libranet as my day to day workstation. Unfortunately, it's missing some things I want/need. (yes, it's the download version. If I like it, I'll buy the pay version) I've done the usual apt-get update && apt-get upgrade. However, there are still things I want that aren't here. Specifically: I want a later KDE. This comes with KDE 2.2; I want the 2.2.2. Ditto ALSA, CUPS, RealPlayer, and a few other necessaries. I need a later kernel than 2.4.3, because I will need to patch it for use with Win4Lin (can't live without the Win4Lin). The sources.list looks like this: #Libranet deb http://libranetlinux.com updates/ #Debian deb ftp://ftp.debian.org/debian potato main contrib non-free deb http://non-us.debian.org/ potato/non-US main contrib non-free deb ftp://security.debian.org/debian-security potato/updates main contrib non-free #KDE deb ftp://kde.tdyc.com/debian potato main crypto optional qt1apps #helixcode deb http://red-carpet.ximian.com/debian stable main I tried changing "potato" to "testing", and apt-get updating && apt-get dist-upgrade, but that broke many things - KDE wasn't fully updated (no konqueror, etc), due to dependencies; same for GNOME; etc. And I use KDE, with some GNOME programs, as my day-to-day. SO: What do I need to add, to get the latest KDE 2.2.2? Ditto kernels. I'm used to just downloading the source form kernel.org, and doing it myself, but I want to try whatever the Debian way is, so it updates any ancillary programs - such as modutils, etc - that the latest kernel needs. -- PGP Fingerprint: 0AA8 DC47 CB63 AE3F C739 6BF9 9AB4 1EF6 5AA5 BCDF PGP public key: <http://www.mike-leone.com/~turgon/turgon-public-key.gpg> The secret of flying is simple: Throw yourself at the ground and miss. Attachment: