gabriel rosenkoetter on Wed, 24 Apr 2002 16:17:56 -0400

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Re: [PLUG] Interesting thread on SEUL-EDU mailing list...

On Wed, Apr 24, 2002 at 03:48:46PM -0400, Noah silva wrote:
> I very much doubt that what you DID buy and what microsoft WANTED you to
> buy were the same, unless you agree that they are.  If _I_ ran a company
> and BSA came after me (and I wasn't doing something terribly illegal on
> purpose), I would be more than willing to let it play out in court - or
> just stop using the software of the companies in question.

That's easy enough to theorize in a vacuum, but when it comes down
to how much it'll cost one to go to court against the BSA versus
change things quickly to make them go away, I think many people may
make a different decision.

Your real rights are less relevant than how much pain MS/the
BSA/whoever can cause you and to what degree that pain will do to
your business/life/whatever. ("We're sorry, Mr. Silva, but your
credit history shows a block on the part of the BSA. We can't give
you a lease on that new Ferrari.")

Sure, you can counter-sue. And maybe five years later you'll be
proven right. But the damage will be done.

Cf, my comment about being ruled by corporations, not governments.
(Note that I don't necessarily think this is a bad thing; just that
one needs to play by different rules. Rules by which many folks in
DC already play, incidentally.)

gabriel rosenkoetter

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