epike on Wed, 1 May 2002 13:51:52 -0400

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Re: [PLUG] Mounting samba shares on boot

> Reading further, I've learned that samba services are initialized with a
> script which is called upon entering certain runlevels (2,3 and 5).
> Therefore I'll have to add my mount commands to something which runs after
> this point.  Any suggestions on which script to choose?  Or, would it be
> safe to include them in the samba initialization script itself?
> I can't be the only person mounting samba shares on boot, can I?

I would suggest looking on automount instead of fstab,

in /etc/auto.master, something like:

/misc/windows98biosname /etc/auto.windows98biosname

and on /etc/auto.windows98biosname,

windows98biosname -o username=xxx,password=xxx,uid=xxx,uid=xxx //windows98biosname/sharename

or something like that.  I have a friend whom i helped
setup automount, and the way it works is you just
cd or access any file in /misc/windows98biosname and
mount.smb would mount the share automatically from 
the windows share to the linux directory.  Right now
I dont have the exact syntax we used, the things need
to check is the syntax of mount.smb (called by mount).
I could probably check with him to the correct exact syntax
we used if needed.

e pike / jondz

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