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Re: [PLUG] PDF vs. PS (was Re: OT: Publisher 98 to PDF)
At 03:41 PM 5/1/2002 -0400, you wrote:
At 1:39 PM -0400 5/1/02, Paul wrote:
> What version of Ghostscript? Are you embedding fonts? Did
> you enable compression? What command line options did you give to
> GS?
I have Ghostscript 7.04 and GSview 4.2 for Windows.
> A PS file is not always smaller than PDF - depends on what is
> in the PS. As to why use PDF - LOTS of good reasons. Let me know if
> you want them listed...
How about the top three reasons? 8-) Wasn't that a thread a while
Probably...Here are my top three.
1) PDF viewers are more widely distributed than PS viewers, so that more
users will be able to view your files "out of the box". There is also the
secondary aspect that such viewing is integrated in the web browser,
allowing for a transparent experience.
2) PDF files are random access, PS is sequential. This is VERY important
on the web, since it means that only the first page of a PDF file can be
downloaded in order to view it - while with PS you'd need the ENTIRE
DOCUMENT before any portion could be viewed.
3) PDF files provided for non-content elements, that allow for more
interactive and navigable documents. Bookmarks, hyperlinks, annotations, etc.
Let me add these which I feel are as important (its not a complete list)
4) PDF files have security features including the standard security
(disabling any combination of editing, copying or printing) and electronic
signatures (changes invalidate the signature; document can be "rolled back"
to the signature state)
5) PDF fillable forms
6) JavaScript and Perl automation.
Art Alexion ""-"" mailto:arthur@alexion.com
Arthur S. Alexion LLC «o» http://www.alexion.com
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