John lavin on Thu, 9 May 2002 21:58:37 -0400

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Re: [PLUG] OT: bad bios battery?

On Thu, May 09, 2002 at 02:26:36AM -0400, Art Clemons wrote:
> First things first, check the keyboard to be sure it's properly plugged 
> in.

Well - I went and checked that and man, I had plugged the mouse in for the keyboard and the keyboard where the mouse should have been.  It was one of those days...  That did explain why I couldn't type when in the bios setup, but...

> If a replacement keyboard doesn't fix your problem, and you open up your 
> computer, go around and reseat all of the power connections, once again, 

... that reminded me that I haven't booted this pc up since I added a
second net card.  I pulled that back out and I was able to boot up
again.  Boot problem solved, but I really wanted to run this pc with two
net cards.  Unless someone has a better idea - I'm digging into the
harware howto..

John Lavin
Public Key:
"Petty fears and petty pleasures are but a shadow of the reality."
    - H.D. Thoreau

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