Fred K Ollinger on Wed, 22 May 2002 14:45:44 -0400 |
> > [root@wernicke] /pkg/src/netatalk-> quotaon -aguv > > quotaon: using /data/ on /dev/sdb2: Invalid argument > > quotaon: using /data/quota.user on /dev/sdb2: Invalid argument > > quotaon: using /home/ on /dev/sda7: Invalid argument > > quotaon: using /home/quota.user on /dev/sda7: Invalid argument > > I'm confused... the man pages says: > > quotaon announces to the system that disk quotas should be > enabled on one or more filesystems. The filesystem quota > files must be present in the root directory of the speci > fied filesystem and be named either aquota.user (for ver > sion 2 user quota), quota.user (for version 1 user quota), > (for version 2 group quota), or > (for version 1 group quota). My manpage only talks about quota.user (not aquota). I have those. I turned it on and it failed. I created aquota.user and it still gave the above error. I'm using rh6.2 w/ quota-tools that I rolled myself: 2.00. Also, I have kernle 2.4.18 which I compiled. I explicitely compliled quota into the kernel. I have an ext3/nfs filessytem. I'm thinking that this might be a factor. Fred ______________________________________________________________________ Philadelphia Linux Users Group - Announcements- General Discussion -