Michael Leone on Thu, 23 May 2002 18:42:26 -0400

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Re: [PLUG] OT: ...compatible browser or else!

On Thu, 2002-05-23 at 17:54, Fred K Ollinger wrote:
> > On Thu, 2002-05-23 at 16:00, Paul wrote:
> > > > I know many web developers, none of them charge $0.
> > >
> > > What if the Web developer is on salary as a permanent employee?  That
> > > person is being paid anyway.  The loss would come from not having that
> > > person do work.
> >
> > No, the loss is the increase in time the other projects that are put on
> > hold, while the developer re-writes existing (and, in 90%+ cases,
> > working) code.
> Have you included the cost of all the sw that they would have to buy
> (upgrades) as well as insurance of the possbible BSA audit?

Theoretically, they should already be in compliance with the licenses
for the sw they have. Why would you think they would need to buy more
sw, to continue in the development vein they've chosen?
> Did you see how much this sw costs (w/ audit)? Surely the savings here
> alone would allow someone to do what would take a competent developer a
> few hours (scripting).

The sw should have already been paid for. And obviously they've made
their decision to go with MS products, and it's attendent yearly
costs.So all these costs are almost certainly accounted for, and
budgeted for. I know ours are - every year, I have to add up what the
yearly licensing fees for Veritas, etc, are and we budget that in.

And switching over would provide a costs savings, but in a longer run,
since you've got to convert and test everything, and then run both
systems in parallel for at least a little while, unless you want to take
the chance of switching cold turkey, and hoping it all goes smooth.

> Of course, it's not about being efficient, we know that. It's about not
> being fired. If I were upper manangement, I wouldn't mention linux either,
> not b/c I don't know better, but b/c I'd sit there, nod my head and agree
> w/ everyone and take my big check. The money they are squandering is not
> their own. And being different will get you fired (or not promoted). :)
> I don't think letters will matter at all either.

I may have to change my email address to
Devil's-advocate@mike-leone.com. :-)


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