Walt Mankowski on Thu, 13 Jun 2002 23:51:26 +0200

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fwd: [sarah@pound.perl.org: YAPC: Call for Attendance]

----- Forwarded message from "David H. Adler" <dha@panix.com> -----

Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2002 17:34:37 -0400
From: "David H. Adler" <dha@panix.com>
To: "ny.pm" <ny@lists.pm.org>
Subject: [sarah@pound.perl.org: YAPC: Call for Attendance]
Mail-Followup-To: "David H. Adler" <dha@panix.com>,
	"ny.pm" <ny@lists.pm.org>

----- Forwarded message from Sarah Burcham <sarah@pound.perl.org> -----


        Fourth North American YAPC: Call for Attendance

                         Yet Another Society
                    invites you to participate in

                              YAPC 2002
                      the Fourth North American
                    Yet Another Perl Conference


                        Washington University,
                        Saint Louis, Missouri

                       Wednesday through Friday
                           June 26-28, 2002

YAPC is a place for people to meet and talk about Perl -- where people
who've done interesting things, people who are working on the language
itself, people who are using it daily, and people who are looking to
learn about it are all within arm's reach. Some of the great authors
and coders in the field will be on hand to discuss their work, as well
as the nature and direction of Perl itself.  All three Perl Development
Grant recipients will be present: Larry Wall, Damian Conway, and Dan
Sugalski as well as Nathan Torkington, Mark-Jason Dominus, and Abigail.
Come and meet the people who created and develop the Perl language and
those who will teach you how to develop with Perl.

Please join us for three days of listening and talking about Perl 
in Saint Louis.  This is an unbelievable (and unbelievably inexpensive)
training opportunity.  Comparable training in industry conferences would
run near $3000 in conference and travel expenses. 

* Conference registration is $85USD:


*  Three Day Schedule:
|*****|   Brown  100 |   Brown  118 | McDonnell  162|    Busch 100  |
                      +-> Wednesday June 26th <-+
|-9:00|   Welcome    |              |               |               |
|-9:15|  Larry Wall  |              |               |               |
|10:30|    Break     |     Break    |     Break     |     Break     |
|11:00| Dan Sugalski:|     Jesse    | Jos Boumans:  | Dave Rolsky & |
|     |  The Parrot  |    Vincent:  |               |     Brent     |
|     |     Files    |              |               |   Michalski   |
+-----+--------------+ rt.cpan.org  | Introduction  |               |
|11:25| Dan Sugalski:|              |    to POE     |  Introduction |
|     | Parrot in a  |              |               |    to Mason   |
|     |   Nutshell   |              |               |               |
+-----+--------------+              |               |               |
|12:10| Simon Cozens:|              |               |               |
|     |Parroting on -|              |               |               |
|     | Lessons from |              |               |               |
|     | the Coalface |              |               |               |
|12:30|     Lunch    |     Lunch    |     Lunch     |     Lunch     |
|+2:00|Damian Conway:| Simon Cozens:|   MJ Dominus  |   Tim Maher:  |
|     |              |              |Stolen secrets |               |
|     | Programming  |   Perl for   | of the Wizards|  Minimal Perl |
|     |  in Perl 6   |    System    |  of the Ivory |    for the    |
|     |              |Administrators|     Tower     |   Impatient   |
|+3:30|    Break     |     Break    |     Break     |     Break     |
|+4:00|   continued  |  continued   |   continued   |   continued   |

|*****|   Brown  100 |   Brown  118 | McDonnell  162|    Busch 100  |
                      +-> Thursday June 27th <-+
|-9:00| Sean Quinlan:| Adam Turoff: |    Geoffrey   | Shane Landrum,|
|     | Introduction |  Open Source |     Young:    |    et. al:    |
|     |  to Perl for | Presentation |               |     Shared    |
|     |    Bio-      |    Tools     |    mod_perl   |Calendaring in |
|     |  Informatics |              |               |      Perl     |
+-----+              +--------------+               +---------------+
|-9:25|              |  Casey West: |               |  R. Geoffrey  |
|     |              |  Server-side |               |     Avery:    |
|     |              |     Form     |               |  ModuleMaker  |
|     |              |  Validation  | 
|     |              |  with Imager |               |               |
+-----+--------------+--------------+               +---------------+
|-9:45| Simon Cozens:|  Stephen B.  |               |  Dave Rolsky: |
|     | 10 modules I |    Jenkins:  |               |     Alzabo:   |
|     |  wouldn't Go | Configuration|               |Less SQL, More |
|     |   anywhere   |  file editor |               |(Data Modelling|
|     |     without  |  for a Wind  |               |  and OO) Fun  |   
|     |              | Tunnel Data  |               |               |          
|     |              |    System    |               |               |
+-----+--------------+--------------++              |               |
|10:10|  MJ Dominus: | Richard Clamp:|              |               |
|     | Mailing-list |Sub::Parameters|              |               |
|     |   Judo...    |   and other   |              |               |
|     |              |    animals    |              |               |
|10:30|    Break     |     Break    |     Break     |     Break     |
|11:00|   Allison    |  MJ Dominus: |   continued   |     Michael   |
|     |   Randal:    |   Tie::File  |               |   McClennen:  |
|     |   On Topic   |              |               |   Web Forms   |
|     |              |              |               | Unbound (and  |
|     |              |              |               |  Interactive) |
+-----+--------------+--------------+               +---------------+
|11:45| Dave Turner: |   room open  |               |   Clinton A.  |
|     |    TRIZ      |              |               |     Pierce:   |
|     |              |              |               |      Ad Hoc   |
|     |              |              |               |    Reporting  |
|     |              |              |               | with XML data |
|12:30|     Lunch    |     Lunch    |     Lunch     |     Lunch     |
|+2:00|     Brian    | Simon Cozens:| Phil Lawrence:|  Jos Boumans: |
|     |   Ingerson:  |optimizer.pm -|  SQL::Snippet |    CPANPLUS   |
|     | YAML - A New |  Speeding up |               |               |
|     | language for |Perl the hard |               |               |
|     |      data    |       way    |               |               |
+-----+              +--------------+---------------+---------------+
|+2:25|              | Chris Brooks:| Jay Lawrence: |  David Nicol: |
|     |              | Introduction |Building Custom|  TERN is not  |
|     |              | to embedding |Record Indexes |      Perl     |
|     |              |  C in Perl   |    With Perl  |               |
+-----+              +--------------+---------------+---------------+
|+2:45|              |  Phil Crowe: | Kevin Falcone:|  Adam Turoff: |
|     |              |    A simple  |   mod_parrot  |      SOAP     |
|     |              |    assembly  |               |               |
|     |              |   simlulator |               |               |
+-----+              +--------------+---------------+---------------+
|+3:10|              | Robert Spier:|   room open   | Ross Lonstein:|
|     |              | Kida: A Next |               |  (ab)Using an |
|     |              |  Generation  |               |HTTP Proxy with|
|     |              | Build System |               |       Perl    |
|+4:00|  MJ Dominus: |
|     |   Lightning  |
|     |     Talks    |

|*****|   Brown  100  |   Brown  118   | McDonnell  162 |    Busch 100   |
|     |               +->      Friday June 28th       <-+                |
|-9:00| Mark-Jason    | Michael G.     | Brian Ingerson | Adam Turoff:   |
|     | Dominus:      | Schwern:       | Writing CPAN   | Antipatterns   |
|     | Perl Shop and | Test::Tutorial | Modules with   | in Perl        |
|     | Red Flags     |                | Inline::C      |                |
+-----+               |                |                +----------------+
|-9:25|               |                |                | Casey West:    |
|     |               |                |                | Data Caching   |
|     |               |                |                | Made Easy      |
+-----+               |                |                +----------------+
|-9:45|               |                |                | Walt Mankowski |
|     |               |                |                | A case study   |
|     |               |                |                | in when not    |
|     |               |                |                | memoize        |
+-----+               |                |                +----------------+
|10:10|               |                |                | Casey West:    |
|     |               |                |                | Don't Reinvent |
|     |               |                |                | the Big Wheels |
|10:30| Break         | Break          | Break          | Break          |
|11:00| Chris Nandor: | (room open)    | (Inline::C     | Shane Mason:   |
|     | Mac::Perl     |                |  continued)    | Perlbox: a     |
|     |               |                |                | Desktop for    |
|     |               |                |                | UNIX           |
+-----+---------------+----------------+                +----------------+
|11:45| Abigail:      | Michael G.     |                | Simon Cozens:  |
|     | Two Altern-   | Schwern:       |                | The .NET You   |
|     | ative Ways of | How to Be Lazy |                | Need to Know   |
+-----+ Doing OO      | Without Really |                +----------------+
|12:10|               | Trying         |                | David Nicol:   |
|     |               |                |                | dotGNU AIS     |
|     |               |                |                | Authenticated  |
|     |               |                |                | Identity       |
|     |               |                |                | Service        |
|12:30| Lunch         | Lunch          | Lunch          | Lunch          |
|     |                \
|+2:00| Damian Conway:    \
|     |                      \
|     | Time::Space::Continuum  \
|     |                          |
|+4:00| Kevin Lenzo:             |
|     | Town Hall               /

* We are looking for sponsors. Please contact Kevin Lenzo
  (lenzo@yapc.org) for information about how you can help support the
  Yet Another society and YAPC. Much of the necessary funding for YAPC
  comes from the generous donations of our sponsors.


Yet Another Society is a non-profit organization for the advancement
of collaborative efforts in computer and information sciences.  YAS
promotes symposia, teaching, and group projects. See
http://yetanother.org for more information.

----- End forwarded message -----

David H. Adler - <dha@panix.com> - http://www.panix.com/~dha/
Barter is if he asked someone to look at his program in exchange for a
cow or something.       - Mark-Jason Dominus
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