Art Clemons on Wed, 3 Jul 2002 17:24:02 -0400

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Re: [PLUG] patching the kernel (again)

Fred K. Ollinger:
I'm guessing that I could apply this patch:

Where to apply it? I'm going to try to patch the stock 2.4.18 kernel
sources. Is this correct? Can I go up a version number in this fashion?

Yes you can. There are several possible gotcha's but go into your likely to be /usr/src/linux directory and first backup your dot config (.config to be exact) to something like .config.bak. Then do a make clean;make mrproper (I'm paranoid). Then cp or mv your patch-2.4.19-4c1.gz file to /usr/src. Then cd /usr/src/ and enter

zcat patch-2.4.19.rc1.gz |patch -p0 <Enter>

I am assuming that you haven't previously patched linux-2.4.18, and that it's directory is named linux. Otherwise before running the patch won't work without a softlink to whatever directory is used as linux is necessary.

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