Leonard Rosenthol on Thu, 4 Jul 2002 11:06:32 -0400 |
At 10:36 PM -0400 7/3/02, Noah Silva wrote: From the response I saw at the meeting, I assume the two or three people that asked me about Kylix were the only people who were interested. I'd be interested just to see where Borland/Inprise has taken the language. Not having used it since the last 80's, when it was the language of choice for Mac OS development, I'm curious to see how many of the Object Pascal additions they took from Apple's ATG work. It has been my experience that many techie types (or hardcore C or ASM) are prejudiced against pascal just as much as Basic, but usually with no basis, or a very outdated basis. Usually it's because they think of it as a "toy language", because the original spec was just that. But when it was brought into modern usage with Turbo Pascal, Think Pascal and Apple's Object Pascal, it gained all the features necessary to do serious development - but most folks never saw that.
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