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Re: [PLUG] Suggest a Host
Concerning your comment about frontpage, you might want to use:
Open Office
xemacs html mode
netscape/mozilla composer
As with any html composer you want to test the on a windows, Linux, and
MAC box to see how it looks. Some of the composers make really bad html
across various platforms.
Editors. I use Pico.
Debian includes a pico like editor called nano where you do not have to
compile from source.
They have Apache, PHP 4.2.1, MySQL (I really want
PostgreSQL, but that's OK. I might not even get used.)
MySQL has a smaller ``footprint'' so I think it is more appropriate for
web development. Most of the commands between the two are the same.
I don't know
what mail server they run, but it supports IMAP.
The mail server and the pop/imap server are usually two different
packages. The Debian default mail transport agent is exim, while there
are various choices for IMAP/POP utilities.
I was just concerned that Debian would be different enough to cause some
trouble for me.
Here's what they say about Debian:
Debian is the distribution of the linux operating system we use on all
of our servers. It is the "open source" distribution, run by a volunteer
organization rather than a company. We have found it to have the best
software packaging solution and highest stability of all linux
distributions and we love it to death! We also have a few OpenBSD
machines running as firewalls. We have no Windows NT/2000 servers of any
kind. We find them to be too insecure, instable, inflexible, and
expensive for our needs as a premiere hosting provider!
This is kinda funny: "Microsoft Frontpage is a somewhat popular
web-publishing program that *we do not recommend you use*. We recommend
buying a book on HTML or using CityDesk."
But this worries me: "Also note, if you turn on FP Extensions your CGI
scripts will no longer work." My customer uses Front Page. Blah. Is
it typical that CGI cannot be enabled when Front Page extensions are
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