Kevin D. McAllister on Sat, 27 Jul 2002 19:00:12 +0200

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Re: [PLUG] scsi vs ide

* Jeff Abrahamson <> [Sat, Jul 27, 2002 at 05:59:18PM +0200]:
> I used to have scsi disks. My new machine, faster, has ide drives. The
> old machine rarely skipped on playing ogg/mp3 files. The new one does
> often. It suffices to do something compute or mildly disk intensive
> (like untarring something big or an apt-get).
> Do others have this experience? I'm wondering if this is a scsi/ide
> thing or just a difference between the two machines. Like maybe my new
> machine has a slow ide controller or something.

You may not have your IDE tuned for optimum performance.  I can't
speak specifically to SCSI vs IDE.  But there are some good resources
for tuning IDE performance.

Good Luck

Kevin D. McAllister
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