Jason Wertz on Thu, 29 Aug 2002 08:57:05 -0400

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Re: [PLUG] OT: Comcast problems

I haven't noticed anything real unusual. I'm using a Belkin router (wireless and 3 ports) and it seems to be fine with the latest update. It dropped a week or two ago for the first time in 4 months and a soft reset fixed that with no problems since. 

I really like this router, it's caused me no trouble and if you buy a router at CompUSA for an additional $20 you get a 2 year warranty. If it dies, you just bring it back and they give you a new one (although I'm sure it's not as easy as they make it sound). I've heard so many people have problems with their routers dying that I figured it was worth it. I was originally going to use an old machine but I decided the router was cool because it is so small and I live in an apartment and my wife would kill me if I setup another computer.

Jason Wertz
Senior Technology Specialist / WebMaster
Delaware County Community College
ph: 610-325-2771
fax: 610-325-2820

>>> wa3dsp@crompton.com 08/29/02 12:02AM >>>
Anyone having Comcast/router problems in the Philadelphia area? Seems they
have done something in the last week to screw up routers. Seems to work
fine with one computer connected. 


*  Doug Crompton	   *
*  Richboro, PA 18954	   *
*  215-431-6307		   *
*		  	   *
* doug@crompton.com        *
* wa3dsp@wa3dsp.ampr.org   *
* http://www.crompton.com  *

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