gabriel rosenkoetter on Sun, 15 Sep 2002 01:10:19 +0200

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Re: [PLUG] OT? dual X on netbsd

On Fri, Sep 13, 2002 at 03:27:28PM -0400, Samantha wrote:
> X -configure detects all video cards, keyboard, mouse, etc.
> typing X gets X up on one monitor(grey background with the little x in the 
> middle) and wakes up the other one(nothing is visible). 

Unless I'm mistaken, you'll need to add another screen entry in
wscons. By default, NetBSD ships with four vt100-run terminals
(0-3) and one with no specific owner (to be for X).

So you'll need to edit /etc/wscons.conf, duplicate the screen 4 line
as screen 5. Having done that, a Screen 0 and Screen 1 entry in
XF86Config should Just Work. Maybe.

I've never tried this, though I may soon (got my eye on a 22"
Mitsubishi flat screen CRT...), so let us know how ti goes.

> When I go to the console from where I started X I see: 
> S3Virge: No matching Device section for instance (BusID PCI:0:15:0) found
> s3: No  matching Device section for instance (BusID PCI:0:16:0) found
> But in the XFree86Config file there is a device section for both the video 
> cards and both the sections have the appropriate BUS ID with it. 
> Why am I getting the complaints?

Are you sure you saved your new config to the correct file? Try
using X -xf86config to specify it exactly. (But see XF86Config(5)
for the fairly weird way in which that command line flag is
interpretted. It's right at the top of the man page.)

gabriel rosenkoetter

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